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Blueberry Lime and Mango Quinoa Salad

This Blueberry Lime and Mango Quinoa Salad is the perfect side dish to bring to your next summer BBQ or picnic. Both savoury and sweet, this protein-rich salad is simple to make, gluten-free, and absolutely delicious.

Oh summer, why do you have to be so short-lived? We dream of your long sunny days and perfect warm evenings all year long, and then BAM – fall arrives before we know it!

Where we live, we have a short window for bike rides, hikes, and backyard get-togethers, not to mention a limited time to enjoy the abundance of fresh fruit and crisp vegetables popping up at the farmers’ markets.

Hands down, one of the best things about summer is all the gorgeous, fresh, local fruit available. Cherries, peaches, and all the colourful berries I’ll take ’em all please!

Curt and I took full advantage of the beautiful BC blueberries last week and picked up a five-pound box at our local market. What a treat they were! Perfectly plump, not too sweet, and so delicious that we ate the whole box in three days!

What can I say?? We just couldn’t help ourselves…

Although we ate more than we probably should have in such a short time, we didn’t feel too bad about it because blueberries are insanely good for you. Often labeled as a “superfood”, blueberries are an antioxidant powerhouse. They can help to reduce inflammation and your risk of cancer, and they’re known to be great for brain and heart health.

Another good thing to come from our out-of-control blueberry feast? It was the inspiration for this delicious Blueberry Lime and Mango Quinoa Salad.

I personally love adding fruit to salads. I find the sweetness of the fruit balances out any of the bitterness from the greens, creating perfect salad harmony.

Protein-rich quinoa acts as the base for this summery salad and it’s combined with all the yummy add-ins: spicy red onion, lots of hearty kale (I like to use the purple variety), juicy mango, creamy avocado, and those coveted fresh blueberries. If you’re grain-free or don’t like quinoa, feel free to triple the kale and use that as the base instead.

The dressing for this salad is a simple vinaigrette made with equal parts fresh lime juice and extra virgin olive oil. I like to use a very ripe mango in this recipe, as the mango juice will also help to “dress” the salad and add just the right amount of sweetness.

Want to turn this this fruity quinoa salad into a complete meal? Simply top it with some shredded chicken and you’re good to go. It also stores really well in the fridge making it a great option for meal prep and easy lunches throughout the week!

This Blueberry Lime and Mango Quinoa Salad is the perfect dish to enjoy with your friends and family on a warm day. The flavours are bright and fresh, and they compliment all the summer BBQ favourites – burgers, grilled chicken, even salmon!

What’s your favourite summery salad?



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