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Avocado Parsley Dressing

This Avocado Parsley Dressing is such a simple sauce to make and it goes with everything. Creamy, herby, and fresh-tasting, this dressing takes just a few minutes to make and only seven ingredients. Dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan.

Who woulda thought a bright green, herby, garlicky, creamy sauce situation would become a game-changer in our house. Salad dressing? Check. Burger topping? Perfect. Parsnip fry dip? You betcha!

We’ve been affectionately calling this super simple and versatile Avocado Parsley Dressing “green sauce” and we’ve been making it at least once a week. We are truly obsessed with it because it goes well with so many meals!

When we made this dressing for the first time, it ended up being a bit of fluke success. We wanted to make a creamier style dressing for our dinner salad but we didn’t want to use mayo as a base for a couple reasons – Curt stays away from eggs, but more importantly, he’s never liked mayo. What ingredient could result in the creamy texture we were going for? Avocado.

The other key ingredient in this recipe? Parsley. We’ve really been digging the flavour of fresh parsley since we’d made our Lemon Quinoa Salad with Parsley and Chickpeas, so we added a bunch of this curly green herb to the avocado, along with lemon juice, garlic, sea salt and pepper, and extra virgin olive oil. Parsley is excellent for detoxification and is anti-inflammatory. It also has such a bright flavour and the bonus of being a leafy green – something we include in our diet every single day. We blended everything together and it turned out perfectly; the texture and flavour were exactly what we were going for.

Then we had to repeat it so we could share it with you! And the next attempts to replicate did not go well…

We were using the same ingredients, the same proportions, the same method, but for some reason the oil kept separating. After some careful thought we realized the crucial mistake: we weren’t drizzling in the olive oil. This is key – you need to drizzle, not dump.

So how do you make this delish sauce? It’s so easy and only takes a few minutes. You add all the ingredients, except the oil, to your food processor (or blender, see notes) and blend it together for about 45 seconds until everything starts to get creamy. Stop the processor and scrape down the sides of the bowl, then turn it back on to High speed and start drizzling in the olive oil.

Did you know that the little hole in the bottom of the “pusher tube” of the food processor lid is to do just that? That little hole helps to drizzle in the oil at the perfect rate so it emulsifies into the dressing and will not separate. We only learned this about two months ago, but brilliant!

Once all the oil is drizzled in, you’re done. The result? Super creamy and super rich, this Avocado Parsley Dressing is delicious on pretty much everything!

How do we like to enjoy this Avocado Parsley Dressing?
  • We’ll dollop it on our plate to enjoy with roasted veggies. Broccoli, carrots, parsnips, Brussels sprouts…they’re ALL good.
  • We’ll coat some leafy greens and turn a simple salad into an epic dinner. We love loaded salads so we’ll add to the greens, a lil’ protein (shredded chicken or even a couple slices of bacon), some roasted veg, raw broccoli and cauliflower rice, some fruit (fresh strawberries, blueberries, or peaches are perfect!), and homemade sauerkraut for the beneficial probiotics. Now that’s a nutrient-dense meal!
  • We’ll use it as a condiment for homemade burgers (lamb or beef are both delicious!), roasted chicken, or even wild salmon.

Do you have a favourite dressing or goes-on-everything sauce?



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